Macap, acronym for Macina Caffè Petiziol, took this name at the end of the ‘80s. The company, today led by its third generation, was born in 1930, when the founder Ottorino Petiziol opened his mechanical workshop in the Venetian hinterland. The business focused on the production of coffee grinders and equipment for bars, to complement with a small foundry (still used for small batches). In this company the first horizontal dispenser was born, essential for the subsequent development of other products in this sector.
This important original technical background has been collected and developed by the second generation, the brothers Luigi and Antonio, and implemented by the third, the grandchildren Susanna and Marco, who are the present face of the company, where a rooted specialization goes hand in hand with a high industrialization. The result is a qualitative improvement of all the products for the processing of coffee, more and more requested overseas, where the increase of the consumption and the culture of coffee has a quicker rate of growth than in Italy, which is still characterized by a still more traditional market.
This allows Macap, today working with more than 70 countries overseas, to offer a selection of products starting from traditional coffee grinders, instant grinders (the first Italian company to have such a large range of models), up to dynamometric tampers (patented), very significant for Macap’s innovation capacity.